Our Home
Myrnam is an active community with many opportunities for family recreation and enjoyment throughout the year. The Village can boast of the many volunteers who spend countless hours each year in support of a large variety of recreational and social activities. From our rich Ukrainian heritage Myrnam continues to transition to one of both new young families and involved committed seniors. Our K-12 school provides a rich learning environment with teachers committed to the success of area children. Come and visit or stay for a while. We look forward to seeing you.
Myrnam looking down
Hwy 881South
Come and visit our beautiful “Dove Park” established in honour of the communities founding immigrants. In Ukrainian, Myrnam means ‘peace unto us’ and the dove representing peace is the perfect symbol for our village officially established in 1930. The beautiful park offers visitors an excellent opportunity to relax and visit in a peaceful atmosphere. Several monuments have historical plaques showcasing former residents of the area.