Click on the following links to view common and newest bylaws:
- Borrowing Bylaw – Reservoir 2023-04
- Business License Bylaw 2021-20
- Burning Bylaw #411
- Bylaw Enforcement Officer Bylaw 2021-10
- CAO Bylaw 2015-06
- Code of Conduct Bylaw 2021-12
- Council Procedural Bylaw 2021-11
- Garbage Services Bylaw 2021-14
- Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) 2020-02
- Intermunicipal Subdivision & Development Appeal Board Bylaw 2023-08
- Joint ARB Bylaw 2023-09
- Land Use Bylaw (LUB) 2018-08
- Land Use Amending Bylaw (A-LUB) 2023-07
- Library Board Bylaw 2023-10
- Master Rates Bylaw 2024-07
- Municipal Development Plan (MDP) 2018-09
- Municipal Borrowing Bylaw 2023-11
- Noise, Nuisance and Public Disturbances Bylaw 2006-09
- Non-Residential Development Incentive Bylaw 2024-03
- Public Notification Bylaw 2022-02
- Regional Emergency Management Bylaw 2023-02
- Residential Development Incentive Bylaw 2024-04
- Responsible Pet Owner Bylaw 2018-07
- Records Retention and Disposition Bylaw 2021-15
- Snow-vehicle-ATV Bylaw 2005-10
- Tax Installment Payment Program Bylaw 2024-02
- Tax Rate Bylaw 2024-05
- Tax Penalty Bylaw 2021-19
- Traffic Bylaw 2022-01
- Unsightly Premises 2007-09
- Urban Hen Bylaw 2024-06
- Water Sewer Services Bylaw 2023-03
Draft Bylaws under consideration: None at this time.
Click on the links below to view policies:
- Asset Management 2023-01
- Attendance at Social Functions Policy 2022-04
- CAO Evaluation 2022-14
- Confined Space Policy 2022-08
- Contracted Trenching and Excavation Policy 2022-12
- CTEC Rental Policy 2022-15
- Elected Officials Appts to Fed., Prov., and Reg. Boards Policy 2021-04
- Elected Officials Remuneration and Expenses Policy 2021-02
- Equipment Rental to Other Local Governments Policy 2022-11
- Financial Reports Policy 2022-02
- Inspection and Maintenance of Roads Policy 2022-10
- Mileage for Council and Staff and Appointed Members Policy 2021-03
- Operation and Maintenance of Equipment Policy 2022-09
- Personnel Policy 2021-06 (June 2023 Revision)
- Public Participation Policy 2021-01
- Sanding, Snow and Ice Clearing Policy 2022-01
- Sidewalk, Curb, and Gutter Maintenance Policy 2022-13
- Signing Authority Policy 2021-05