Myrnam Community Library

Myrnam Community Library is open during school hours as well as until 7PM every Tuesday and Thursday.

If doors are locked, please ring the doorbell on the left side of the doors or call 780 366 3801 and I’ll let you in.

Patrons can order books through TracPac or to call (780 366 3801) to request books. The librarian will call once the books are in and have been processed.

The librarian is continually purchasing new books for library patrons to borrow. Check out the Myrnam Community Library website for a more detailed list.

Winter Reading Program

Northern Lights library System Winter Reading Program is coming to an end. You have until March 1st to get them entered so get those reading logs into me or better yet log your reading minutes online. Once entered, you’ll automatically earn a ballot into the grand prize draw! For more information check out    

Pronunciator App. FREE with your public library card

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Contact Info:

780 366 3801